Modular International, a leader in custom-engineered energy efficient lighting solutions, announces that its Dim-to-Warm LED Modules have received four industry…
Modular International announces another state-of-the-art addition to its energy efficient 579e line of products. As a follow up to the…
The American Institute of Architects (AIA) is the largest, most influential network of architects and design professionals in the United…
From the bright lights of Broadway to the Motor City, Modular International INC has spent the early part of the…
From Denver to Detroit, New York City to Pittsburgh, Modular International has racked up the miles this spring showcasing the…
Three facts about Denver you may not have known: Denver is exactly one mile high The mile high city has…
Last month’s LEDucation in New York City marked another successful showcase of Modular International’s products and capabilities. From the LEDucation…
There is no better time than Women’s History Month to recognize the advancements being made by women in the lighting…
In 2023, Modular International introduced the 579e LED modules at LEDucation. The high output and energy efficient 579e module series was developed…
Modular International is Big Apple-bound! With Springtime closing in, this means that LEDucation is right around the corner and Modular…
2023 welcomed 6 different industry awards for Modular International’s 579e LED Modules which offer high outputs and energy efficiencies in…
In 2023, Modular International Inc. earned six major industry awards and accolades for its high output and energy efficient static…